Vendor Registration

Vendor Registration is the official procurement and other services portal of Company PETRO GAS. This page of the website serves as an online destination for all suppliers/vendors/service providers interested to engage in business with Company PETRO GAS. If you would like to express your interest as a prospective supplier, please complete the online registration form

    * - Required to be filled in

    Contact Person Detail

    1. Name*:
    2. Designation*:
    3. Email*:
    4. Mobile*:

    Companys Detail

    1. Company Name*:
    2. City*:

    3. Country of Business*:

    4. Specify nature of Applicant Business*

    5. Website*:
    6. Phone*:
    7. Certification*:

    Main Product category (Select all the main categories that you deal in)
    Please provide detailed subcategory in the space below:*

    Sub Categories (Provide detailed range of supply in your scope)*

    Maximum number of characters - 1000

    Message to Buyer:

    Maximum number of characters - 1000

    Attachments (Attach company profile, catalogue, license, certificates or any other document you would like to share):
    Maximum file size 5MB | Formats: PDF, JPEG, PNG, ZIP