Yeat | Name | Client | General information | Status |
2004-2006 | Renovation of Makat, Kulsary, Beyneu, Inder (GPA-10) compressor stations. |
Customer: “Energy Fund” Company | Renovation of Makat, Kulsary, Beyneu, Inder (GPA-10) compressor stations. Atyrau area, Kazakhstan | Completed |
2004 | Construction of underwater crossing through Ural River (diameter 56”, length 1 km). | Customer: “Energy Fund” Company | Construction of underwater crossing through Ural River (diameter 56”, length 1 km). Atyrau area, Kazakhstan. | Completed |
2003 | Installation and construction works and repair-and-renewal operations at the looping of CAC-IV gas pipeline (diameter 1400 vv, length 16 km). | Customer: “Energy Fund” Company | Installation and construction works and repair-and-renewal operations at the looping of CAC-IV gas pipeline (diameter 1400 vv, length 16 km). Atyrau area, Kazakhstan. | Completed |
2000-2002 | Renovation of CAC-IV – CAC-V gas pipeline (diameter 1400 – 1200 mm, length 61 km). | Customer: “Energy Fund” Company | Renovation of CAC-IV – CAC-V gas pipeline (diameter 1400 – 1200 mm, length 61 km). Atyrau area, Kazakhstan. | Completed |